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Installation of Salome-MECA (Salome and Code_Aster)


If you are interested in serious open source FEM software, this is a tool stack to look at.

Salome platform is a CAD and meshing software mainly for Linux systems. When combined with Code_Aster FEA package it is generally called Salome-MECA. Together this combination of software provides very extensive tool set for Finite Element Analysis.

Let’s start by downloading the appropriate version of Salome-MECA from here. In this tutorial we go with Salome-MECA version 2017.0.2.

After downloading the package, you may want to check the md5sum to be correct. Type

md5sum Salome-Meca-2017.0.2-LGPL-2.tgz

and see if it matches with the one given on the download page.

After that move the package to a preferred location (for example in /home/user/). And then type

tar xvf Salome-Meca-2017.0.2-LGPL-2.tgz && ./

This installs Salome-MECA in the directory of your choice.

Also a shortcut is created on your desktop automatically during the installation.

After successful installation you can run the program by clicking the shortcut icon or by opening the terminal in the installation folder named salome_meca/appli_V2017.0.2. and typing ./salome

You will also see Salome-MECA splash screen.. the graphical user-interface of Salome will open up.

Now you are ready to explore the capabilities of your new tool set.

Some document in Code_Aster website’s support section are translated from French automatically and hence not always convenient to read. However, there are very good training materials available at I recommend you start there.

Please, leave me a comment if you have any further questions or you would like see some Salome-MECA tutorials in this blog.

  1. siroos hamzeh siroos hamzeh

    vary good

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